St George, the Martyr, Kuilsriver


Monday N

Monday, November 3, 2014 9:42:00 AM

Take Time Out

Gloomy Monday.

Yep it may be gloomy with even some rain in the air but still we will rejoice.

We need to remember that God gives us what we need in season. We have the complete body of Christ available to us. This body has different duties and parts. We have scholars, Carpenters and Leaders. Each with their purpose and drive. 

It links nicely with the reading of Sirach 38:24-34 for today.

Sirach 38:24-34
Scholars must have time to study if they are going to be wise; they must be relieved of other responsibilities. How can a farm hand gain knowledge, when his only ambition is to drive the oxen and make them work, when all he knows to talk about is livestock?  He takes great pains to plow a straight furrow and will work far into the night to feed the animals.  It is the same with the artist and the craftsman, who work night and day engraving precious stones, carefully working out new designs. They take great pains to produce a lifelike image, and will work far into the night to finish the work.  It is the same with the blacksmith at his anvil, planning what he will make from a piece of iron. The heat from the fire sears his skin as he sweats away at the forge. The clanging of the hammer deafens him as he carefully watches the object he is working take shape. He takes great pains to complete his task, and will work far into the night to bring it to perfection.  It is the same with the potter, sitting at his wheel and turning it with his feet, always concentrating on his work, concerned with how many objects he can produce.  He works the clay with his feet until he can shape it with his hands; then he takes great pains to glaze it properly, and will work far into the night to clean out the kiln.  All of these people are skilled with their hands, each of them an expert at his own craft.  Without such people there could be no cities; no one would live or visit where these services were not available.  These people are not sought out to serve on the public councils, and they never attain positions of great importance. They do not serve as judges, and they do not understand legal matters. They have no education and are not known for their wisdom. You never hear them quoting proverbs.  But the work they do holds this world together. When they do their work, it is the same as offering prayer.

Everyone has a task and needs to be skillful in it. You are who you are, through Christ who guide and strengthen you. Doing the job which you love. Even when you struggle or when you experience absolute joy in your achievements. That job of yours is not less than those of your brothers or sisters. Your job has a purpose which build this kingdom of God. Remember, cities are not build by Scholars or Presidents. They are build by people like you and me, carpenters, brick-layers, engineers, road workers, IT-people. 

This reading remind us that when you do your work, its the same as offering prayer.Through your work you too proclaim Gods peace and happiness.

Enjoy your work and let God reign in all you do.

Blessings and peace.


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